Family projects


In December 2022, we were thrilled to welcome several of the Dementia clubs from LifeCare to the Sea Dragon production. The audience was delighted to see so many senior members of the community in the performance, and equally, the club members adored being part of the children’s show. It was a win-win situation for everyone. 

All the shows, and the work we carry out at Dragon Song, are multigenerational and suitable for relaxed performances. We have worked really hard to make everything we do as accessible as possible. Because we only have a maximum of 40 participants in an audience (excluding carers), we can tailor the show or storytelling workshop to exactly what is happening in front of us at the time. We can improvise, ad lib, and we have even been known to add a new member to the performing team during a performance. 

We feel passionate that each and every Dragon Song Production is available to bring communities together, to bring multigenerational families together, and to let the art work the magic rather than a mission statement!